Why A Blog Is Great For Your Website

It doesn’t matter what business you’re in, whether you’re running a restaurant, designing for clients, working on gardens, or selling souvenirs, a blog is incredibly important for your website, and here are just a few reasons why.

A keyboard on a brown wooden surface, next to a small cactus in a white pot

It makes you more visible

What do search engines like more than anything? Updated and relevant content. What does a blog give your website? Updated and relevant content. By regularly posting new articles on your blog, whether they’re case studies, expert advice, how-to guides, or just an update on how the company is doing, you’re providing search engines with the content they love to see, making it more likely that when a customer searches for something they need, they’ll come across your site.

You’ll need to make sure your blog is optimised for search engines (and if you use WordPress, here are six plugins that might help) and that you have a regular schedule, but once you set everything up and get it running, you’ll notice a change in results.

It brings in new leads

Having a regularly updated blog is not just great for search engines, it can also bring in new customers, especially in niche markets where expertise is everything. With regular blog articles, you can show off your knowledge and reassure new customers they’ll be in the right hands with you.

This is especially true of any industry where before-and-after pictures can be added to case studies. Customers will be looking for proof that you can do the job, and a series of case studies showing your work will help your potential customers make their decision. And they definitely help. Whether you’ve redesigned a garden, spruced up a living room, or did a bride’s makeup, giving your customers proof of your expertise can go a long way.

A keyboard on a black surface, next to a pair of black-rimmed glasses and a ballpoint pen.

It gives you a great platform

Are you considered an expert in your field? Have you been receiving high praise from your customers? Why aren’t you showing that off in regular blog posts? You can show people how you do your work, discuss what’s been changing in your industry, provide customers with support and information after they make their purchase, and show the entire world what kind of business you run. And don’t forget about tutorials, which always give your customers a guide to how much you know.

You don’t want to make your blog a platform for your entire life, though. More often than not, when potential customers come to your website, they’re not really going to be wanting to see your opinions on the latest film release or political manoeuvre. (Unless, of course, you’re running a movie memorabilia business or a political consultancy, in which case, please, give your hot takes.)

Keep your blog focused on what your business is doing, the industry in general, and how you work in both.

It builds up trust

When you visit a company’s website, especially one for a small business, what do you trust more? Someone’s been regularly updating their blog, showing that they’re paying attention to their website and making sure everything’s up to date, or someone who hasn’t updated their blog or their website in a few years? Someone who talks about their products, services, or company, or someone who just expects you to purchase something and get out?

If your website is your virtual storefront, your blog is your best sales representative, the one who goes out of their way to provide potential customers with all the information they need, explaining how to best use your products, and telling them about previous customers who were delighted with everything. When you’re not sure if you want to purchase, does that sales rep help you? Then why not let your blog do that too?

A keyboard on a pink surface, next to a bouquet of flowers and a few paper clips

So what are you waiting for? Add a blog to your website today!